Customer reviews Phimostop - Reviews Phimostop

Customer reviews Phimostop

Customer ratings

Customer review

Ein Erstklassiger Kundenservice! Sehr schnelle Antwort und Hilfe!
11-17-2018 at 02:59 by .
Order date 02-09-2018

Customer review

You provided the help that my hospital couldn't.
11-05-2018 at 07:31 by .
Order date 07-26-2018

Customer review

Die Seite, Bestellung, Versand tadellos. Das Produkt allerdings hat bei mir nicht geholfen. Im Gegenteil. Damit wurde es bei mir schlimmer. Aber das mag bei anderen vielleicht ja anders sein.
10-29-2018 at 04:37 by .
Order date 04-13-2018

Customer review

geht so. Produktinformation nicht ausreichend
10-26-2018 at 07:53 by .
Order date 04-05-2018
Response of Phimomed srls
Guten Tag, wir haben Ihren Kommentar zu dem Produkt erhalten und wir haben bereits geantwortet. Hier möchten wir Rückmeldungen zum Einkaufserlebnis (auf der Website und zur Auftragsverwaltung) einholen. Daher werden wir die Administratoren bitten, Ihnen eine neue E-Mail zu senden, um Ihre Meinung auf der Website zu erfahren. Sie können frei entscheiden, ob Sie antworten möchten oder nicht. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Phimomed Staff

Customer review

excellent service - fast delivery
10-23-2018 at 06:03 by .
Order date 02-27-2018

Customer review

Alles OK
10-22-2018 at 09:51 by .
Order date 08-09-2018

Customer review

Produkt funktioniert mit etwas Übung.
Ob sich der Erfolg einstellt wird die Zeit zeigen
10-20-2018 at 03:01 by .
Order date 08-15-2018

Customer review

No es practico
10-19-2018 at 07:21 by .
Order date 07-31-2018
Response of Phimomed srls
Hola, gracias por tu comentario. ¿Le resultó difícil utilizar el sitio web o el producto? ¿Le ha pedido ayuda a Escríbanos y veremos cómo brindarle el máximo apoyo. Saludos cordiales, Phimomed Staff

Customer review

Very expensive for what you actually receive
10-19-2018 at 02:16 by .
Order date 07-10-2018
Response of Phimomed srls
Hi, thank you for your feedback. have you solved your problem? Behind Phimostop there are: a long and articulated design, a selection of the material, a production entirely made in Italy, a European patent, the validation of the Ministry of Health, the CE mark, a gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Ginerva , a dedicated clinical research, a website in 5 languages, constant assistance in 5 languages, free shipping worldwide, but above all many men who have resolved the phimosis without circumcision surgery. All of this has great value. Phimostop is an alternative to circumcision. The circumcision operation in private facilities is much more expensive and in public facilities there are long waiting lists. Even for the public assistance service, circumcision intervention is very expensive. Phimostop can be a truly economical alternative that saves both the patient and the national assistance service. In Italy there is scientific research that has exactly the objective of evaluating the efficacy of the product to propose it as an alternative to circumcision with great savings for the national health service. For any information, we are at your service. Best Regrads, Phimomed Staff

Customer review

I’ve only used the first and second size
The reason for this is because the third size is a lot bigger than the second and my foreskin won’t stretch that much for me to insert the third
I think there should be one in between the second and third size

Thanks Kevin
10-19-2018 at 12:31 by .
Order date 06-18-2018
Response of Phimomed srls
Hi Kevin, Thank you for your feedback We will send you an email from to give you some advice to overcome this small obstacle. Best regards
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Information Phimostop


Phimostop is a protocol for resolving phimosis and inelastic scar retraction without circumcision surgery that has been validated by the Ministry of Health.

Phimomed srls

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Phimomed srls
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